August 1, 2007

Here at the End of All Things

I guess all my friends know by now why I've left SL - unfortunately there's just too much emotional baggage and drama to deal with . I'm just going to try to remember all the awesome friends and fun times I had in this virtual world, particularly in the Combat Samurai Island community. Like all the fighting lessons I had with Jane, my crazy Yakuza clan family, my crazy SL family (although watching an SL pregnancy come to term was surreal to say the least), or the time a bunch of us got Sailor Moon AVs and terrorized Shrouded Isle and the insane free-for-all fights I participated in.

I'm going to miss having a fun creative outlet for art. I'm going to miss the redneck shotgun weddings, the cute (and sometimes creepy) tiny AVs, the crazy characters of CSI and I might even miss getting AFK humped (you know who you are noob!).

I saw beyond the pixelated avatars and formed real friendships with real people and as for those who say that is simply a game, they're wrong. SL isn't simply a game, it's a community and it was my online home for quite some time. A very warm and heartfelt thanks to all of you for making this place feel like my second home.

Real life calls though, as do real life friends and real life responsibilities. School is just around the corner and I'll have to tackle with some heavy subjects in the next month. So much love and best wishes to you all. Good fight!


Anonymous said...

Mayaaaaaaaan! If I can't do this on SL, I'll just do it here! We'll be in touch and you better drop by for the occasional shennanigans... Can't let that naginata rust. Miss ya already!

Unknown said...

Heya MAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! You're an awesome person. Juni and I are so glad we met you and so sad you're not going to be on SL. Good luck with school. Please let us know if we can do anything for you. BTW, it's another girl!!!! Oh god, I'm hanging a baseball bat over my front door when they start dating. I'll keep an eye on your blog sweetie!

hugs ^.^